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Key Contacts

Bogota Police Department

375 Larch Avenue

Bogota, New Jersey 07603


9-1-1 (Emergencies)

201-487-2400 (Non-emergencies)

Bogota Police Chief

Daniel Maye


Bogota Police Department Vision Statement

(from the Bogota Police Department website)


The Bogota Police Department will exist to preserve liberty, enhance the safety of the community and defend human dignity. We will be an organization in which each employee embraces integrity as the cornerstone upon which the public trust is built. We will foster an environment of honesty, trust and mutual respect in which the Department and the community work together as catalysts for positive change.


We strive to be recognized for our strong service orientation, progressive development of all our human resources and our application of emerging technologies. We will embody the values of the Department and reflect these values in the performance of our duties.


We will continue to build upon this vision through open communication and receptiveness to new ideas.

Bogota Police Department Mission Statement 

(from the Bogota Police Department website)

The Mission of the Bogota Police Department is to provide the community with the highest quality of law enforcement services. We continually improve the public's perception of community safety through eradication of criminal activity and any conditions that have a detrimental impact on public safety.


We strive to enhance our tradition of excellent service to all. We continue to seek support and cooperation from the community we serve and from those of us who serve the community. Our organizational culture is responsive to new ideas and is one in which all employees are given the opportunity to develop to their highest potential and see themselves as agents of change. 


We base all our relationships on the premise that the public and police are one.

Pay Traffic Tickets Online

NJMCdirect – the fast, secure and convenient way to pay, plea and resolve your Traffic/Parking ticket or Other Municipal Court Complaint online. Payment plans may be available for certain matters.

Reporting Street Light Outages

To report all street light outages in Bogota, please contact the Police Desk: 201-487-2400.  Please provide the street location, and if possible, obtain the pole number (starting with the letter “B”).

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