Recreation Committee
Recreation Committee Members
Kristen Meberg, Chairperson
Rebecca Youla, Vice-Chairperson
Colleen Kelly, Secretary
MowZus Baugh
Nicole DeValle
Mike Kernes
Sandra Ospina
Stephanie Carl, Alternate
Jonathon Escalante, Alternate
Philip Conte, Recreation Director
Councilman William Hordern, Council Liaison
Councilman John Mitchell, Council Liaison
The goal of the Bogota Recreation Department is to provide year round activities and quality recreation programming for the community. To this end, the Recreation Center provides a wide range of programs and activities. Please visit the Bogota Recreation website for more information about youth programs available.
The meeting room in the Recreation Center Building is available to Bogota residents for private parties and gatherings. We recommended that a reservation be made at least one week in advance of the anticipated use.
A new state of the art playground is designed to provide children and parents with learn by activities.
Committee Meetings, in addition to regular meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM. There are no Recreation Committee meetings in the month of July and August.