Green Team Advisory Committee
Green Team Advisory Committee Members
Danile Fede, Mayor
Conall O'Malley, Borough Administrator
Gordon Kohles, DPW Superintendent
Joseph Balducci
Isabel Bustamante
Rebecca Foster
Robert Foster
Joseph Gallagher
Diane Mancini
Kristin Meberg
Pauline McDonnell

The Borough of Bogota Green Team Advisory Committee was formed by Borough Resolution #2023-44, on January 19, 2023
The Borough of Bogota Green Team Advisory Committee will advise the Borough Officials on ways to improve municipal operations with "GREEN" initiatives which are economically and environmentally sound through research and evaluation.
Submit a report and recommendations to the Borough Council to include:
The progress of an audit on municipal facilities
Suggestions on best practices for "greener" municipal operations
What has been accomplished, and actions still needed to be done to achieve Sustainable Jersey certification and recertification.
Encourage participation of residents and employees to solicit ideas and implement green initiatives.
Research and analyze green initiatives which make practical environmental and financial sense.
Develop strategies for sustainable green initiatives in municipal operations.