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Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
Robert Foster
OEM Coordinator
Contact Information
Bogota Office of Emergency Management

Office Location:
Office of Emergency Management
375 Larch Avenue
Bogota, New Jersey 07603

Mailing Address:
Bogota Borough Hall

375 Larch Avenue
Bogota, New Jersey 07603

Telephone: 201-646-0802
Facsimile: 201-342-7019

e-mail: Contact

Mission Statement 

To provide a comprehensive Emergency Management System which coordinates people and resources to protect the lives, property and environment of the Borough of Bogota, using an all-hazard approach through mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from disasters and emergencies. 


The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible, by Federal and State Law, for the coordination of all the Emergency Services in the Borough of Bogota. This includes Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services, Rescue, Public Works, Health Department and all additional agencies contributing to any large scale emergency incident or disaster.


Emergency incidents can strike anytime, anywhere and in many forms, such as a hurricane, snow storm, earthquake, flood, fire, hazardous material incident; an act of nature or an act of terrorism.



Besides working closely with the Police Chief, Fire Chief, EMS Chief and Rescue Chief, the Bogota Office of Emergency Management receives support from the Bergen County Office of Emergency Management and the New Jersey State Office of Emergency Management. The Bogota Emergency Services are dedicated to the protection of our borough residents and business community. ​


Membership is also held in the New Jersey State Emergency Management Association where experience and knowledge are shared by all Emergency Management personnel.


During non-business hours the OEM Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator are available for emergencies through the Bogota Police Department.  

Sgt Geoffrey Cole
OEM Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management Team

Daniele Fede, Mayor

Robert Foster, Coordinator

Sgt Geoffrey Cole, Deputy Coordinator


Daniel Maye, Police Chief

Robert Piterski, Police Captain

Michael Krynicky, Volunteer Fire Chief

Adam Schelffer, Assistant Fire Chief

Rober Dirr, Battalion Fire Chief


Robert Foster, Volunteer Rescue Chief


Sam Yanovich, Health Officer

Yenlys Flores Bolivard, Health Secretary


Daniele Fede, Liaison to Environmental Commission


Damian Kennedy, Superintendent of Schools


Cathy Capasso, Registered Nurse


Create Your Own
Family Emergency Preparedness Plan

Every home and family should have an Emergency Preparedness Plan for every type of emergency or disaster. The best way to protect your family from the effects of a disaster is to have a disaster plan.  Here are some tips to assist you in creating your own Family Emergency Preparedness Plan

  • Include two places for family members to meet if separated; two ways to evacuate your home, if required; teach children how and when to dial 911; have phone numbers available for out of area friends who can assist.

  • Store at lease three days of emergency supplies, such as water, food, communications equipment, clothing and bedding, sanitary needs. Know where valuable papers are stored, such as social security cards, wills, bank books, insurance policies.

  • If you are a pet owner, your  Family Emergency Preparedness Plan should include your pets.

What is the Office of Emergency Management's Role?

Should an emergency arise that would cause the activation of the Office of Emergency Management Organization, and Department Heads Would remain in charge of their respective sections.  However, requests for communications, movements, resources and needs would be coordinated through the incident command post site or at the Emergency Operations Center”.

How does the OEM achieve its mission?


  • Mitigation – Activities that eliminate or reduce the risk of disaster (insurance, building codes, flood plain management, public education)


  • Preparedness – Planning, exercise, training, public information systems and warning


  • Response – Direction/Control, warning, evacuation, emergency service to address immediate and short term effects of an emergency/ disaster


  • Recovery – Short term, those operations that seek to restore critical services and meet basic needs. Long term, those actions that restore the community to its normal state. Mitigation measures such as temporary housing and food, restoring non-vital Borough services.


Bogota's Emergency Operations Plan is on file with Bergen County OEM as well as the New Jersey State Office of Emergency Management. 

Bogota's Emergency Management Plan... 

  • Describes use of assets for all emergency / disaster situations, evacuation procedures

  • Describes direction and control protocol of Police, Fire, medical, DPW services

  • Describes alert and Warning protocol – Radio, TV, Autodialing systems

  • Describes critical facilities, shelters, roads, waterways

  • Address all emergencies – Weather related, Hazmat, Terrorism, WMD

The Bogota Office of Emergency Management Team meets on a monthly basis.  The Local Emergency Planning Committee meets quarterly.


All Municipalities in the country must have an Emergency Operations Plan, which is the responsibility of the local Emergency Management Coordinator. This plan details all types of emergencies and the responsibilities of all local Emergency Services during declared state of emergencies. This plan must be undated every four (4) years and approved by the State of New Jersey. The Bogota Emergency Operations Plan was completely revised in 2009 and was approved by the State and placed in service in June of 2009. After the disastrous events of September 11, 2001, the State requested all local OEM’s to prepare and submit for approval, a Terrorism Plan for their community.


The annex details the responsibilities of all Emergency Services during a terrorism incident, sets up an Emergency Management Command Post, and details what outside services should be called.


A terrorism incident is a Law Enforcement  function and therefore, the Bogota Police Department is the lead agency in any response to such an incident. OEM will coordinate all involved agencies.

Transporting Pets to an Evacuation Site 


Snakes can be transported in a pillowcase, but they must be transferred to a more secure housing when the reach the evacuation site.  If your snakes require frequent feedings, carry food with you. 


Take a water bowl large enough for soaking as well as a heating pad.


When transporting house lizards, follow the same directions as for birds.


Small Mammals

Hamsters, gerbils etc. . . should be transported in secure carriers suitable for maintaining the animals while sheltered.


Take bedding materials, food, bowls and water bottles.


Transport in a secure travel cage or carrier. Try to keep the carrier in a quiet area. Do not let the birds out of the cage or carrier.

In cold weather, wrap a blanket over the carrier and warm up the car before placing birds inside. During warm weather, carry a plant mister to mist the bird’s feathers periodically.

Do not put water inside the carrier during transport. Provide a few slices of fresh fruits and vegetables with high water content.

Have leg bands and a photo for ID.

A Few Days After a Disaster

In the first few days after a disaster, leash your pets when they go outside. Always maintain close contact. Familiar scents and landmarks may be altered and your pet may become confused and lost.


The behavior of your pets may change after an emergency. Normally quiet and friendly pets may become aggressive or defensive. Watch animals closely. Leash dogs and place them in a fenced yard with access to shelter and water.

Emergency Operations Center

The Bogota Emergency Operations Center is the Borough Wide Command Post for emergency operations during any major incident, involving all Emergency Services. There are three (3) different Operation Centers, which are staffed, depending on the type of incident being managed.

Incident Type: Large Scale Incident Which Affects the Entire Borough

For these incidents, where all Borough Agencies, County and State Agencies are assisting. The Emergency Operations Center will be activated at the Bogota Emergency Operations Center at 69 W. Broad Street.  The following personnel will report to the Center:


  • The Mayor, Emergency Management Coordinator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Rescue Chief, Public Works representative and any out-of-town personnel required by the Coordinator.


Incident Type: Out of Town Incidents where Bogota Emergency Services are Requested.

For an incident where the Bogota Emergency Services were requested to assist in other locations, out of the borough, and protective services were required locally, the Emergency Operations Center will be activated and maintained by committed personnel.

Incident Type: Single Location Incidents within the Borough

For a large-scale incident, which is confined to one location or one section of the borough. The Emergency Operations Center will be operated at the scene, using the Emergency Management Coordinators vehicle, which is equipped to communicate to all Borough, County and State Emergency Services.  In these cases, as needed the following personnel will report to the Mobile OEM Command Center

  • The Mayor, Emergency Management Coordinator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Rescue Chief, Public Works representative and any out-of-town personnel required by the Coordinator.

Emergency Incident County, State and Federal Links
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